Every human
being is the
author of

own wellness
We collaborate with brands to impact wellness journeys - and the world at large

Inspired by the passionate journalists at Healthline Media and led by award-winning storytellers with varied expertise in wellness

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whole person
ethos nurtures

and inspires

Deep listening, impactful storytelling

The Wellbeing Creative team uncovers, crafts, and shares impactful stories found at the intersection of consumer insights and brand goals

Collaboration that drives your bottom line

We connect you with mindsets that matter, platforms that engage, and custom solutions that drive impact

17 %

Increase in brand awareness

21 %

Increase in product consideration

20 %

Increase in time spent

6 X

Stronger social engagement

Let’s talk

Find out more about our
consultative services and solutions.

Reach out to your Healthline Media representative or Jen Chatham at JChatham@healthline.com

Source: Brand awareness and brand favorability: Nielsen Brand Lift Study, October ‘20 – March ‘21, US A18+, brand awareness defined aided awareness of custom content activations. Time spent: Partner custom content page vs. internal benchmark. Social engagement defined as video completion rate for custom video creation.